Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tunisian Wedding Photos

Many people have asked me to tell them more about these photographs and the country of Tunisia. (To see the entire wedding, please visit the Photography page of my website)

Tunisia is a nation in northern Africa, located between Libya and Algeria. The famous Roman city of Carthage was located in Tunisia, along the Meditteranean coast.

Located far inland are the ancient Roman ruins of Dougga. The Capitol building can be seen behind Erin and Christian in many of these photographs. It is hard to believe that these buildings have been standing out there in the desert for over 2,000 years. Photographing them was one of the highlights of my career.

Do you remember the film "The English Patient?" Tunisia is where the desert scenes for that movie were filmed.

Erin and Christian actually work in Tunisia and are the most wonderful couple anyone could hope to work with. They are kind, generous, and incredibly adventurous. Thank you both for including me in your wonderful wedding. I will remember Tunisia forever...