Wednesday, May 9, 2007

From the Arctic Circle to Las Vegas to....Ledbetter, Texas???

One of the best things about being a photographer is getting to travel all over the world. It's hard to believe just a few weeks ago I was photographing Paul and Sylvia's wedding ceremony in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden - about 200 miles north of the Arctic circle. Then, it was on to Las Vegas, and then, I find myself in Ledbetter, Texas on my way back from Austin. What's in Ledbetter? Well, nothing really. But I did spot this abandoned tow truck left in some weeds behind an antique store. Look at that tree growing up from beneath the truck. How old is that tree - 20 years maybe?

It's about as far from Vegas as is possible to get, I think!

This is my second time to post photos of an abandoned truck on my blog. I'm not sure why I like to take photos of abandoned trucks....